Apparently, this is rare, as almost all 300 ZX's from Generation 4 (1990 to 1996) were made with T-Tops. I did some checking online and found that my car is one of only 92 produced in the same color, with similar options, and no T-Tops. That's kinda cool.
At the same time I found out "slicktops" like mine are rare, I also learned that they are very sought after by people who want to modify their Z's for racing, as the solid roof makes the chassis substantially stronger. Again, that's kinda cool.
How did I glean all this information? Easy. Several guys at the show tried to by My Red Z from me. I never once asked what they were willing to give me for her; she is not for sale. In fact, next year I am going to have her repainted. I am determined to at least place third in the 2008 show. Call it vanity if you like. My wife is already calling me obsessed because I have been polishing the dickens out of the car. That's ok, though. She's called me worse.
In any case, enjoy the pics. These are some of my favorites from the show (I have over 150 pics...I ain't posting them all). The first car pictured (first two pictures) actually won 1st place for the 300ZX 4th generation Modified category and also took home the coveted Best of Show Trophy. of course, the guy's got so much money in the car he is afraid to drive it anywhere (he actually admitted that to me). I have to wonder...where's the fun in that?
Ok, that's enough for now. I may post more at a later date. Hope y'all liked 'em!